Small Steps, Big Impact: How Your Everyday Choices Can Help the Planet

The health of our planet feels like an enormous issue and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed or powerless to make any changes.


5/11/20243 min read

a greenhouse with plants growing
a greenhouse with plants growing

The health of our planet feels like an enormous issue and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed or powerless to make any changes. However, the truth is that even small changes in our daily lives can collectively create a significant positive impact so please let’s all try to do our bit to keep this wonderful and beautiful world of ours alive and well. Here are some ways I have found to change how I live, one choice at a time and they need not have any additional financial cost:

Embrace Reusable Alternatives:

Single-use plastics are a growing environmental concern because it doesn’t break down (biodegrade), merely becoming smaller and smaller parts which end up in our oceans, rivers and soil. We can all make a conscious effort to reduce our reliance on them by carrying reusable water bottles or coffee mugs, by investing in cloth grocery bags, and opting for bar soaps or refillable containers for household products. Every little bit counts in reducing plastic waste.

For more information, here is a good website:

The Power of Your Commute:

Transportation is another significant contributor to air pollution. I wonder if you could consider alternative ways to get around, even if this is swopping just one journey in the week. Walking, cycling, scootering or taking public transport whenever possible can really help and is much easier if it becomes a habit. If you must drive, carpool using or or choose fuel-efficient vehicles.

a green bike parked on the side of a street
a green bike parked on the side of a street

Conserve Energy at Home:

Small changes in your daily routine can make a big difference in your energy consumption. Turn off lights and electronics when not in use, unplug chargers and adjust your thermostat a few degrees cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer. Embrace the power of natural light and air-drying clothes whenever possible.

I found a lot of useful and thought-provoking information here:

black and white analog table clock
black and white analog table clock

Reduce Your Meat Consumption:

Livestock production is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation and water pollution. I would like you to consider incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet. There are countless delicious and protein-rich alternatives like lentils, beans, tofu, and tempeh. Start by swapping out just one meat meal a week – you might be surprised at how flavourful and satisfying plant-based dishes can be! Please look under the recipe section to find some of my favourite recipes.

Become a Savvy Shopper:

The choices we make with our wallets have environmental consequences that we often don’t think about, especially when we pop online to quickly order a beauty product we just ran out of or our favourite coffee pods. We don’t always need such items on the same day (honest!). I am just as guilty as the next person with regards to this but have been trying to stop and think, ‘do I really need this item within the next two days or can it wait?’. I have been trying to shop more wisely by researching products and supporting sustainable businesses who prioritize eco-friendly practices, also by shopping local and asking the sellers about their products. Often butchers will sell local meat and other produce such as honey and eggs. Farmers markets and local markets are also a great place to find items produced locally and thereby reducing food miles. Look out for products with minimal packaging, opt for second-hand clothing ( is great for this) or furniture (Facebook marketplace being a particular favourite of mine) and choose durable items over disposable ones.

This is a brilliant website that details markets and producers of food and drinks in the UK:

The Ripple Effect:

Just think, by making these small changes you're not just helping the planet; you’ll also be inspiring others to do the same. I found by talking to my friends and family about my newfound eco-conscious habits (whilst trying not to go on and on about it – after all, I don’t want to sound preachy) it has made them think and they have shared their top tips with me too. The more people who embrace sustainable practices, the bigger the positive impact we can create together.

Remember, every small step counts. By incorporating these changes into your life, you'll be well on your way to becoming a responsible steward of our planet. The Earth will thank you for it!

a drop of water falling into a body of water
a drop of water falling into a body of water