Beautiful garden
Beautiful garden

Growing Green and sharing knowledge

I would love to share the wisdom that has been passed down to me by those who are older and wiser than myself. I believe that there is always more to learn, and what better way to do so than by exploring the world of nature together.

Let's embark on a journey of discovery and growth, surrounded by the beauty of All Things Green. Together, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of the world whist using the latest innovations and through the sharing of knowledge between us.

Join me as we endeavor to become wiser and more connected to the natural environment whilst striving to be more sustainable in our beautiful world.

About Me

I grew up in Grantham, a small market town in the East Midlands and in the ‘80’s voted the most boring town in Britain… twice! I would conquer! My parents are from Switzerland and although I was born there, we emigrated just in time for the great heat wave of 1976…. My parents wondering why everyone said it always rained in England! Although well-travelled, my parents still had a lot to learn of the British culture, cuisine and raising children the British way!

We were quickly taken under the wing from our neighbours – a retired couple originally from Yorkshire and we learnt what being British was really about. We were introduced to the delights of Yorkshire puddings, trifles, roasts and sayings like ‘I’ll have your guts for garters if you carry on like dat’. My parents learnt how to throw a children’s birthday party complete with jam sandwiches and jelly and ice cream! In turn my parents passed on their knowledge of gardening, medicinal plants and the joy of cooking with cheese, in every which way!

My Mum is a farmer’s daughter – tough, practical and extremely knowledgeable in anything which involves food - from growing it to cooking it. My Dad, also knowledgeable in mechanics and how things work, DIY and making things from wood. In Switzerland the use of plants for medicinal use is very common. Plants used in teas, tinctures, concoctions, balsams and aromatherapy is not questioned and the knowledge passed on between generations. However, in the UK there seems to be a greater faith and reliance on medicines and pharmaceuticals whilst herbalism, old wives teachings, witchcraft, ayurveda or alternative medicines are viewed with some disregard. I think lets inform ourselves of the healing benefits of the plants around us, as well as enjoying the taste, smell, texture and sight of them too!

I’d like to share what has been passed down to me through the teachings of those older and wiser then myself. I still have a lot to learn but why not learn together with All Things Green.

In the garden with my mum
In the garden with my mum
On my grandad's tractor
On my grandad's tractor
In the cow shed with my Grandad
In the cow shed with my Grandad